Kanyakumari, India

+91 9946668103


1) Wearing uniform is compulsory. Students without uniform will not be allowed to attend classes. Every student should wear uniform/dress neatly and decently.

2) Students should wear identity cards inside the campus.

3) Proper respect should be given to Faculty members inside/outside the classrooms.

4) Use of mobiles in the campus is strictly forbidden.

5) Damaging College properties is a crime which will be dealt seriously.

6) Disobedience, irregular attendance, malpractice in examinations and bad conduct are not permitted and shall meet with strong disciplinary action including dismissal from the Institute.

7) Ragging in any form is completely banned inside/outside the campus. Serious disciplinary action including dismissal from the Institute will be taken if found guilty.

8) Attendance is taken twice a day. Students are not permitted to be absent from classes without valid reason. The minimum attendance prescribed by DGCA for appearing the Semester Examination is 90%.